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Monday, October 08, 2012

World's top 10 programmers!!!


1. Larry Page (Co-founder of GOOGLE).
2. Sergey Brin (Co-founder of GOOGLE).
3. Tim Berners Lee (Creator of WWW= World Wide Web).
4. Matt MullenWeg (Creator of popular CMS platform WordPress).
5. Rasmus Lerdorf (Creator of PHP language).
6. James Gosling (Creator of Java language).
7. Linus Torvalds (Creator of Linux OS).
8. Dennis Ritchie (creator of C language & UNIX OS).
9. Bjarne Stroustrup (Creator of C++ language).
10. Bram Cohen (Creator of torrent P2P protocol, without him we can't download pirated copy's from Web; Thanks to him :))  ).

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