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Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Prevent your Cell Phone from THIEVES!!!!

Every now and then people lost their cell phones. And as we don't take precautions we have nothing to do but to feel helpless. But the the day has been changed now, by the use improved technology we can can find out our favorite cell phones. Not only that but also capture the thieves. YES!! It's TRUE!

We can use the IMEI technology to find out the location of our cell phone. IMEI means International Mobile Equipment Identity. To use this technology just type to your phone:  *#06#  and you will get your cell phones IMEI number/ serial number. It is an independent identity of each cell phone. Save the number for future requirement. When you lose your phone go to nearby police/ RAB authority and give them the IMEI number and have patience. Using this technology the authority can easily locate the place where the phone is activated and find out the cell phone and also the guilty.


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