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Monday, December 24, 2012


Thanks to all the visitors, members and the well wishers to stay with us. Yes today is a very special day for the Christians because it's CHRISTMAS DAY!!! In fact it's a jolly day for humanity.

Wish you all a very HAPPY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

  Download some Christmas wallpapers: HAPPY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

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Thursday, December 13, 2012 Total online tutorial solution.

Site review: udemy is a famous online tutorial based web. There is no less subjects that you can learn from here. All the tutorials are taken by the experts/ professionals. The bonus is all the tutorials provides HD video prints. But alas! many of the courses offers 35-500$ to take the course. But also they provides some free HD video tutorials.

Visit: udemy 

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Introducing a progrmming site:

Site review: OOPWeb is a technology related tutorial based website. Since 2000 OOPWeb is a great source of free programming tutorial bank and computer science tutorials.


Programming Tutorials:

1. Ada
2. Assembly
3. C/C++
5. Java
6. JavaScript
7. Perl
8. Prolog
9. Python

Computer Science: 

1. Algorithms
2. Compilers
3. Graphics
4. Operating Systems
5. Object Oriented Design 

Visit: OOPWeb

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Friday, December 07, 2012

7 booster points that everybody should know about Microsoft.


1. Microsoft is commonly known as Microsoft Corporation.
2. Microsoft's headquarter is situated in Redmond, Washington.
3. Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in the early 1975's.
4. Microsoft's works with a wide range of product and services related with computing.
5. Microsoft is remarks as one of the most valuable software producing company in the world.

6. Jackpot's of Microsoft: MS DOS, Windows OS, MS Office, Bing, XBOX/XBOX 360, MSN, Windows Phone OS and Microsoft Surface Tablet Computer.
7. Other services: Microsoft provides social network services with Yammer and webmail service Outlook to compete with Gmail. 

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Saturday, December 01, 2012

Do you know the meanings of HTTP Error Messages?

HTTP Error Messages!!! 

HTTP: 400 Bad file request; means URL syntax incorrect.
HTTP: 401 Unauthorized; means user hits error.
HTTP: 403 Forbidden / Access Denied; means the authority doesn't want you to access the site.
HTTP: 404 File Not Found; means server can not find the users requested files.
HTTP: 405 The web can not display the page for some reason; means the browser can connect the webpage but your computer can not load the page contents.
HTTP: 406 Browser can not read the webpage format; means browser is able to receive the information of the webpage but can not know how to display it.
HTTP: 408/409 File Request Timeout; means server takes long time to show users requested files.
HTTP: 410 Webpages not exists; means browser connects with the web but webpages not found.
HTTP: 500 Internal Error; means browser can not find HTML documents to load the site.
HTTP: 501 Implement Error; means server can not support to access the request.
HTTP: 502 Temporarily Overloaded Service; means too many request loads in the same time.
HTTP: 503 Not in Service; means site may be moved/ server busy.
HTTP: Connection refused by host; means host does not want you to access the site.
HTTP: File contains no data; means webpage is present but can not display.
HTTP: Bad file request; means browser can not give user the access user wants.
HTTP: Unable to locate host; means server of host is down or wrong URL typed.
HTTP: Network connection refused by server; means the website server is busy try again later.


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